California Lemon Law 1

Everyday there are consumers in California who find themselves in a bad situation with regards to owning a defective automobile. Many don't even know that they are protected by the California Lemon Law. If you are not quite sure what the California Lemon Law is, it's probably a good idea to educate yourself, so that if you find yourself in a similar situation you will know what steps to take to ease your mind.

The Lemon Law in the state of California is also known as the Song-Beverly-Consumer Warranty Act. Another technical name it goes by is the California Civil Code Title 1.7. This particular law is meant to be used as guidance, and should be really known more as a provision, rather than a set rule. Many types of variables come in to play when one can fully consider their automobile a lemon.

The provision can apply towards personal and business vehicles, with certain guidelines that are set in place. Business use vehicles that may be protected under this provision include vehicles used for corporations, associations, and other various legal entities. The Lemon Law usually will apply towards a new vehicle during the first 18 months from the delivery date. It can also apply to vehicles within the first 18,000 miles of use.

A judge or an arbitrator that hears your case can ultimately make the decision as to weather or not the manufacturer did everything they could to fix the problem, within a reasonable amount of time. This also means that the manufacturer has the right to prove their case. At the same time, the consumer who owns the automobile also has the right to speak up and prove that the vehicle is not being repaired correctly within a reasonable amount of time.

If you seek out assistance and search for more information about the California Lemon Law, understand that it is highly recommended that you keep copies of all your paperwork that you have acquired since the purchase of your automobile. Having a timeline or a paper trail can help quite a bit when you need to reference important facts about your defective automobile.

The state of California takes part in the Arbitration Certification Program, a program which fully explains the Lemon Law in full detail. If you live in Los Angeles for example, the first important step you can take is to make use of the lemon law lawyers Los Angeles has to offer. It is essential that you speak to a lawyer or an attorney that know the facts when it comes to a defective automobile that can not be repaired.
Hector P. Sanchez is the publisher of Lemon Law Case, a website offering valuable lemon law information to those who believe their vehicle can legally be classified as a lemon. Obtain useful lemon law facts, tips, and essential information necessary to understand the protection under the lemon law provision.