California Lemon Law Attorneys

There are a number of attorneys who specialize in California's Lemon Laws. They are in a lucrative field of practice, since the laws in this state allow for a number of buyer versus seller litigations.

Basically, California's Lemon Law - also known as consumer warranty law - specifies that the manufacturer carry a high degree of responsibility for sold products. The law is oriented more towards the manufacture and sale of motor vehicles. It applies equally to cars, RVs, trucks and motorboats. Vehicle parts are also included under the law. If they malfunction while under warranty, the manufacturer is held liable for repairs. If a reasonable number of repair attempts do not solve the problem, Californian Lemon Law specifies that the defective product(s) must be replaced.

The disputable aspects of California's Lemon Law are the areas of a ‘reasonable' number of attempts, and whether or not a breach of warranty exists. This is why attorneys are required. Interpreting California Lemon Laws in the correct context and in favor of a consumer calls for legal knowledge and courtroom skills.

For example, the California Lemon Law as it pertains to motor vehicles has various provisions. A motor vehicle must have been sold or leased under full warranty of the manufacturer. The warranty may cover it against malfunctions within 18 months of purchase or before having been driven 18,000 miles. However, exercising California Lemon Law requires the customer to legally establish that a reasonable number of attempts have been made to repair it and may have to prove that the continued malfunction presents a definite hazard. These and various other legal intricacies can turn out to be loopholes for manufacturers if an attorney is not involved.

To find a suitable attorney in a California Lemon Law case, check for a good track record in the field. The attorney should be willing to guide you as to your exact legal standing in the case. He should outline the parameters of the law and should not charge an initial consultation.

California Lemon Law 2

Tip! If you chose to purchase an extended warranty, know your rights given to you under the warranty, and be thorough in your inquiries. Be aware that if you decided to purchase an extended warranty with your vehicle, you may not be covered by the lemon law in your state.

The descriptive term ‘lemon' applies equally to a defunct or malfunctioning car as to a citrus fruit. The origin of this slang term is obscure. However, the fact remains that in a world on the move, a recalcitrant or basically defective automobile is something of a bane. Owning a ‘lemon' is degrading socially and most definitely a major irritant.

The California Lemon law applies to many products, but has preeminence in the context of automobiles. California is one of the most motored and automobile-oriented states in America, and it should come as no surprise that it has definite laws concerning defective automobiles. The California Lemon Law protects consumers from the consequences of a purchase or lease of a defective car. The onus of a customer lies largely on the manufacturer.

Basically, the California Lemon Law holds the manufacturer of a car responsible for the proper and satisfactory functioning of the car while it is under its warranty period. If any defect is found at the time of purchase or if one develops in that period, the manufacturer is generally bound to repairing or replacing the car.

In California, the buyer or renter of a car it is protected by a specific set of laws that exist to ensure truth in lending and prevent deceptive practices. They guarantee that in applicable cases the defective car will be replaced and even incurred legal fees refunded. Their existence also means that the basic safety of the driver and passengers is enhanced, since greater care is taken in the manufacturing and leasing-out of cars.

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Everyday there are consumers in California who find themselves in a bad situation with regards to owning a defective automobile. Many don't even know that they are protected by the California Lemon Law. If you are not quite sure what the California Lemon Law is, it's probably a good idea to educate yourself, so that if you find yourself in a similar situation you will know what steps to take to ease your mind.

The Lemon Law in the state of California is also known as the Song-Beverly-Consumer Warranty Act. Another technical name it goes by is the California Civil Code Title 1.7. This particular law is meant to be used as guidance, and should be really known more as a provision, rather than a set rule. Many types of variables come in to play when one can fully consider their automobile a lemon.

The provision can apply towards personal and business vehicles, with certain guidelines that are set in place. Business use vehicles that may be protected under this provision include vehicles used for corporations, associations, and other various legal entities. The Lemon Law usually will apply towards a new vehicle during the first 18 months from the delivery date. It can also apply to vehicles within the first 18,000 miles of use.

A judge or an arbitrator that hears your case can ultimately make the decision as to weather or not the manufacturer did everything they could to fix the problem, within a reasonable amount of time. This also means that the manufacturer has the right to prove their case. At the same time, the consumer who owns the automobile also has the right to speak up and prove that the vehicle is not being repaired correctly within a reasonable amount of time.

If you seek out assistance and search for more information about the California Lemon Law, understand that it is highly recommended that you keep copies of all your paperwork that you have acquired since the purchase of your automobile. Having a timeline or a paper trail can help quite a bit when you need to reference important facts about your defective automobile.

The state of California takes part in the Arbitration Certification Program, a program which fully explains the Lemon Law in full detail. If you live in Los Angeles for example, the first important step you can take is to make use of the lemon law lawyers Los Angeles has to offer. It is essential that you speak to a lawyer or an attorney that know the facts when it comes to a defective automobile that can not be repaired.
Hector P. Sanchez is the publisher of Lemon Law Case, a website offering valuable lemon law information to those who believe their vehicle can legally be classified as a lemon. Obtain useful lemon law facts, tips, and essential information necessary to understand the protection under the lemon law provision.